Saturday, September 15, 2012

My First Post - Nubar G188 + Orly Vinyl

My first post in my first real blog (Not counting LiveJournal, of course). I finally received Nubar 2010 G188 and I absolutely adore it. I originally was on the search for Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure, but seeing as it's so hard to find (I was only able to find the new version, which is completely different), I was ecstatic to come across swatches of this Nubar online.

Bottom and Top Coat : Orly Top 2 Bottom
Two coats of Orly Vinyl
Two coats of Nubar 2010 G188

I love how different it looks depending on the angle and light. Red, orange and green. It's just an astonishing polish. I can't wait to try it on other colors as well. All of the swatches I've seen, I definitely like it the most on very very dark colors.

The application was great, it covered so well and evenly, and it dried pretty quickly too. I didn't get a chance to clean up around my nails before taking the pictures, I'm going to wait until tomorrow, so they are a little messy for my liking. My photos are taken with my iPad camera, so they aren't amazing, but they are decent!

Next thing to do is to work on the layout of this blog, spruce it up and make it look pretty!